Our Operations

We are an independent metering services provider, offering Metering Coordinator, Metering Provider and Metering Data Provider services to Aurora Energy and its residential and small business customers.

We also service large businesses across contestable energy markets, and we partner with other energy and technology companies to maximise value for our customers.

We are an experienced and leading provider of multi-utility services across electricity, gas and water networks. We specialise in solar metering, asset management, installation, financing, and the day-to-day operations of smart utility infrastructure.

Safety and reliability are at the forefront of our operations. We are serious, alert, careful and thorough about safety and quality. Our goal is to deliver outstanding service to our customers and the homes and businesses they supply.

We also encourage our people to be innovative in their thinking – to explore what is possible. We aim to bring a different, better experience from our advanced metering and data services.

We want to set a new benchmark in quality metering in Tasmania.

This means we bring the best technology and digital capabilities to blend with our products to provide an exceptional service.
